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Director, Shrideep Pallickara

Shrideep Pallickara is a Professor of Computer Science at Colorado State University. Pallickara’s research encompasses methodological and algorithmic innovations in three broad areas: (1) spatiotemporal data management and analytics, (2) file systems, and (3) stream processing for Internet-of-Things and Cyber Physical Systems settings. Systems software resulting from these research efforts have been deployed in domains such as brain computer interfaces, epidemiology, earthquake science, environmental and ecological monitoring, health care systems, high energy physics, defense applications, geosciences, GIS, and commercial internet conferencing systems. Pallickara is a recipient of the Monfort Professorship and the National Science Foundation’s CAREER award.

Co-Director, Sangmi Lee Pallickara

Sangmi Pallickara is a Cochran Family Professor and an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at Colorado State University. Pallickara’s research interests are in the area of Big Data for the sciences with an emphasis on issues related to predictive analytics, storage, retrievals, and metadata management. She is the Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Big Data, Springer. She is a recipient of the IEEE TCSC Award for Excellence in Scalable Computing (Mid-Career) and the National Science Foundation’s CAREER award.